DCB Strategy 2021 - 2025
DCB Vision
„Inspiring generations to pursue cricket as a sport of choice in Germany and to strive for sustained growth, success and fairplay within our unique sport.“
DCB Values
We show INTEGRITY to gain and maintain the trust of the cricket community. We create transparent structures, take impartial and consistent decisions and show accountability through taking responsibility and delivering on commitments.
We champion INCLUSIVITY and diversity to create opportunities for every person to participate in the sport of cricket, showing respect and reaching out to all communities and areas of society.
We strive for EXCELLENCE on and off the pitch, providing a platform for every participant to pursue their own ambitions. We aspire to improve German cricket year on year and to be innovative in our approach.
We promote TEAMWORK because everybody has a role to play in German cricket. We listen to our members, connect and engage people by establishing clear communication channels and work in collaboration towards common goals.
DCB Focus Areas
Integration into the German sports landscape
Establishing cricket within existing structures and becoming a valued partner within German sport
Increasing the number of people enjoying cricket and making cricket accessible to everybody
Women and girls
Prioritising women‘s cricket by providing opportunities for women and girls of all abilities in all parts of Germany
Junior cricket
Engaging and retaining every child who wishes to learn, play and progress as a cricketer
Inspiring cricketers to reach the highest level of the game and to succeed on the international stage
Increasing the visibility and reach of German cricket, both domestically and internationally

Integration into the German sports landscape
- 80% of DCB members to be members of their local Stadtsportbund
- Our regional federations to become members of their regional LSBs in at least 10 states
- The DCB to attain full membership of the DOSB
- DCB coaches and officials qualifications to be recognised by the German sports administration
- To have 15,000 people regularly participating in cricket in Germany
- To establish social cricket in all regions primarily for entry level adults with a minimum of 100 regular participants in each region
- To give 50,000 people per year their first experience of cricket
- To have 5,000 participants regularly playing in softball competition throughout Germany
- To increase the number of active umpires, scorers and coaches by 10% year on year

Women and girls
- 32 teams with a minimum of 4 teams in each region to play hard ball cricket
- 750 additional female players to play regular indoor and softball cricket
- 12 junior hard ball teams to play in an organised competitive structure
- 50 active female coaches with at least 25 qualified at Level 2
- 50 active female umpires
Junior cricket
- Each DCB region to have an U19 league (hardball) with at least 4 teams playing a min. of 10 matches per season leading to a national competition
- Each DCB region to have a league structure (hardball) in at least one other age group with at least 4 teams
- Established softball leagues in all regions with min. of 6 teams at U15 level (boys and girls)
- Roll out of the ELP to 200 schools reaching at least 20000 children per year
- Regular weekly training for junior players in at least 70 clubs

- To attain a women’s T20i global ranking of 15 or better
- To attain a men’s T20i global ranking of 20 or better
- The men’s national team to play in the “ICC 50 Over Challenge League“ or equivalent
- Established performance pathways for elite male, female and junior players offering them a minimum of 10 matches per season outside of international competition
- A male and female U19 national team, each playing a minimum of five international matches per season and competing in ICC competition
- Increasing followers on social media to 50,000 fans on each platform
- A 100% increase in media coverage year on year
- Presenting cricket to non-cricketing communities at exhibitions and events at least 100 times per year
- Increase income from sponsors and partners by 300%
- All major national and international events to be live streamed by 2025